"Me and Mike, ve vork in mine.
Holy shit, ve have good time.
Vunce a veek ve get our pay.
Holy shit, no vork next day."
After reading this quatrain, I immediately began laughing at the idea of these men singing this song in a mine. I could then hear their distinct accent, mainly from Vonnegut's way of spelling the words, and I laughed more.
When I read this quatrain, I wondered if he was alluding to an actual song or not. After all, whenever I thought of miners singing, I always used to think of Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, and Sneezy from Snow White. After some brief research, I discovered that Vonnegut must have simply made up the song. From now on, I am positive that the "Me and Mike, ve vork in mine" song will now come to my mind instead of "Heigh Ho"
Vonnegut must have written this quatrain as a form of satirizing the Pennsylvanian coal miners . Again, Vonnegut displayed his mastery of conveying dialect through text, and he alsowas able to produce more humor from his book.
So, yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say about that humorous quatrain. I feel like ending this blog post with a song. 7 Dwarves, take it away:
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